Lashed Fur-strip Body - The Fly Tier's Benchside Reference - page 143
Though restricted primarily to leech imitations, this fur-strip technique nonetheless produces a highly effective body. This body style, in which the fur strip is mounted on the underside of the shank, is intended to be dressed with a pair of barbell eyes lashed atop the shank. The eyes will cause the hook to ride point-up, which puts the fur strip on the top side of the fly when it is fished. Mounting the strip of body material on the underside of the shank minimizes the tendency for the long, trailing strip to become fouled in the hook bend—a common problem when this body style is tied atop the shank.

Step 1. Wrap a thread foundation along the rear 3⁄4 of the hook shank, and position the tying thread at the front of the foundation. (If desired, a simple body—chenille, for example, can be used instead of the thread foundation.) Select a piece of longitudinally cut fur strip about 2-3 times the hook length. Use a dubbing needle to pierce a hole through the strip about one hook-length behind the mounting end (to determine the mounting end, see Method #55: Wrapped Fur-strip Body, Step 1a, p. 142). Push the hook point through the hole, and slide the strip up the hook bend, as shown.

Step 2. Draw the front tag of the strip forward, beneath the hook shank. Tie off the fur-strip as explained in Method #55: Wrapped Fur-strip Body, Steps 4-5, p. 143.

Step 3. Clip the excess fur strip and bind it down. A pair of barbell eyes of the desired material can now be added (see Method #7: Barbell Eyes, p. 431), as shown.