The Eye-Anchor Wrap from Fly-Tiers Benchside Reference - page 38
The Eye-Anchor Wrap
This technique is simple, fast, and sure, but restricted to wires small enough to pass through the hook eye.

Step 1. If desired, lay a thread underbody on the shank, and leave the bobbin at the rear of the hook. This method, however, works well with a bare hook shank, as is used here. Insert the wire through the hook eye so that just a short tag protrudes. Angle the wire down the hook shank, as shown, to the point where you wish the wire wraps to begin.

Step 2. Wrap the wire in tight, touching wraps to the end of the underbody.

Step 3. If using lead, pinch the wire between your thumbnail and the hook shank to shear it off. Lead wire can also be cut with a razor blade. Trim wires of other metals with wire cutters.

Step 4. Pinch or cut the tag of wire at the head of the underbody.
Mount the tying thread directly against the front of the wire wraps, and winding back and forth across the hook shank, build up a taper.
(If the tying thread is already attached and positioned at the rear of the shank, build the rear taper first.)

Step 5. Pull the tying thread to the back of the wire wraps; do not wrap the thread back, as it will merely slip between the turns of wire and separate them slightly. (If you have built the rear taper first, pull the thread from back to front and build the front taper.)

Step 6. Build a similar taper at the rear of the wire wraps. Abut the thread tightly against the wire to squeeze it between the two thread tapers and hold it in place.

Step 7. Working back and forth across the shank, overwrap the wire with tying thread to secure it.
Hi Mr. Schuhmann,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am contacting you on behalf of the Forest City Flyfishing Club (FCFC). I would like to kindly request your support for our annual year end banquet and raffle (01Dec21). As a non-profit organization, we generate a significant portion of our funds from this raffle to support our activities throughout the year. Due to COVID restrictions we were not able to hold this event last year, so we are hoping for a very successful event this year.
As a brief introduction to our club, we:
- Are a not-for-profit organization based in London, Ontario, Canada
- Enjoy a membership of 50+ (and growing)
- Advocate and practice conservation activities that enhance fly fishing for anglers of all ages
o Conservation of local fisheries; restocking, catch and release, etc.
- Foster a community of education and comradery amongst members that promotes the passion of fly fishing
o Mentorship/youth programs; fly tying nights; casting clinics; monthly guest speakers who are professionals in their respective fields (fly tyers, entomologists, guides, etc.)
Notably, some of our members are competitive fly fishers, with at least one competing regularly at the national level.
As timing for our banquet is approaching quickly, I would respectfully like to request a free subscription to your Fly Fishing and Tying Journal as a gift for our year end raffle. I believe a subscription to your journal would be very highly valued by any one of our members!!
For those who provide donations/gifts we will be:
i) Providing recognition at the event for their sponsorship (I can also add a logo or perhaps a back-issue at the raffle table if you think this would be of benefit)
ii) Giving mention to them on our Facebook page, as part of our event posting; and
iii) Providing a link to their web or social media site via our Facebook page.
We can also provide a receipt for the value of any donated items
Please feel free to contact me, by phone or email (see below) at any time of day or evening.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. I sincerely hope that you will be able to support our worthwhile endeavors!!
Best Regards,
Fred Gallina
2nd Vice President
Forest City Flyfishing Club
C 226.926.0765
Email –
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